Sunday, August 11, 2013

Babies everywhere!

Been a while since I've posted anything, not for a very good reason, more like been in so much pain haven't felt up to doing much of anything lately.

Now you may be wondering what doesn that have to do with babies well this year has been one for new little Angels coming into our lives.

In March our oldest son's girlfriend has a baby boy, she named him Jordan for some reason when he was supposed to be named Joshua Lamarr Jr.  What can you do? He is so Cute! He is a smiling little guy, just precious. We want to see him so bad, trouble is we can't fly into Eureka any longer cause Delta doesn't fly there any longer. It is kind of expensive to fly from an airport Delta does fly from up to Eureka and as broke as we are we still want to go up and see them.

I think he is to Precious for words!
I wish we were back in California. It is so hard not being with Family when wonderful things like this happen. I pray that we will get to see him before he gets much older.
Now for the next bit of news, My Beautiful Niece Melanie had a baby girl on Aug. 2.

Isn't she Beautiful? I think she is Wonderful! Again here we are in GA when we really want to be in CA. If only Mark could get a job anywhere out in CA I wouldn't care where it was as long as we could be semi close to family. This is breaking my heart not getting to see them and the rest of my Family as well. I think the Hubby is feeling blue about being so far from Family too.  We have got to start getting rid of things we don't want that are still perfectly good. Hopefully that would help to get us moving back to were we want to be.