Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer heat is hurtin me bad!

This summer seems to me to be one of the worst we've had in a long time, I'm not sure if it is just hotter or more humid but it just has me feeling down. I don't want to do anything but sleep. I've been sleeping all day and knitting and doing other things at night. On one hand it is good cause it isn't that hot, but on the other, Mark and I are leading two seperate lives. I miss doing things with my Hubby. Unfortunately we are so broke because he has been laid off for 3 yrs now, that even if we wanted to do anything we can't. I know that we aren't the only couple going thru this but it feels really awful. It is beginning to feel like we are strangers. I don't like it. Of course having Myka is a part of the problem because we both hate leaving her home but we can't take her with us so much of the time. It is very frustrating that so many places won't let you take your pet in even if they are in a carrier locked up or in a stroller made especially for dogs. Well time for me to do some business. Hope every one is having a good day, if it isn't great now I hope it gets lots better!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Knitting like a crazy person

I have been knitting like there is no tomorrow. I think because knitting is a stress release for me, and boy have I been stressed lately, I have really been knitting my fingers off. I've even gotten to the point that my fingers are sore and my knuckles are all dried out from the yarn sucking every bit of oil out of my skin. I don't know if it is all yarn but I know wool seems to have that effect on me. I've been knitting hats mostly and I love using wool yarns when I can. I have had requests for acrylics though so I've got to get busy with those too!

I have a hat just waiting for payment so I can send it out. Lord knows I sure could use the money.

The I.R.S. is killing us with this huge payment. We are to the point of having to consider turning off our cable TV which is really difficult because we don't get very good reception in this house without it. Being down in a gully isn't the best for reception that's for sure.

Poor Mark is so depressed because it has been 3 yrs and he hasn't been able to find work. We never dreamed it would get like this but unfortunately there are so many other folks in the same boat we are it is really sad. I know how hard it is for him not working, he is a proud man and this is killing him, having to be supported by his wife is not his idea of a good thing. I know some men wouldn't mind but he has worked all his life and this isn't something he likes. He was saying last night how worthless it made him feel. I wish there was a way I could help him but I can't.

I think if I could do it I'd get a job if I could find one. Unfortunately I just don't have the stamina to work a full day any longer. Even here at home I take naps off and on several times a day and I can't stay sitting for long periods of time so that makes it even more difficult. I honestly don't know what we are going to do? I hope to God that somehow this once Great Nation will get back on it's feet, but I know that is a lot to hope for. So many people are being hurt, it is just very sad. I guess all we can do is pray?