Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Got my car back!

I'm so glad to get my VW golf back from Jim Ellis today. Scott that works there is "WONDERFUL" as far as I'm concerned. The transmission went out on it last week and Thank God it was still under warranty! I had no idea it would be or that they would cover it. If my Mom hadn't suggested calling a dealer we never would have known or thought of it for that matter, we where just so stressed by the whole thing (My hubby getting stranded in the middle of the rode) that we just didn't even think of calling a dealership. Of course with the horrible experiences I've had with Heritage VW in Union City, a dealership was the last thing I was thinking about.

Scott the young man that My Hubby talked to was so kind. He is the one that suggested to him that we get the car in as quick as possible, while it was still under warranty, which was only till July 7th. Can you beat that? Scott had to fight with VW to get it done under the warranty but he did and I'm so grateful, we didn't have to pay a cent, which was awesome since we didn't have the money to pay for a new transmission. Of course I paid an arm and a leg for the car in the first place so the way my Hubby looks at it I'd already paid for it. It was really much more expensive then I wanted to pay in the first place but then again aren't all cars?

I hadn't wanted a VW, I was planning on getting a Toyota Echo, but my ex-brother in law talked me into it saying what a great car it is and that it should last me till the end of time. Well here it is 10 yrs later and this is basically the first major thing wrong with it. It still looks good and runs great now. Scott the guy from the dealership said it should last at least another 10 yrs and if I win the Lotto I had to promise him i'd give him that car! hahaha

We where supposed to go get it Sat. but my poor Hubby  came down with a backache and now he has was seems to be a flu? My friend from up the street let me drive her truck up there and she followed me home. I had to take the surface streets back, it was 37 miles, but she is afraid to drive the freeway since she got hit by a semi truck in my car several years back. I think it was about 5 yrs ago, right before I married Mark, cause I was going out to CA to spend Christmas with the family then I went to Eureka to see him.

That was when he got down on one knee, at Moonstone beach in the sand, and proposed properly. It was so sweet and romantic I'll never forget it. So last Christmas it was 5 yrs since the accident. Of course the truck didn't stop or anything, I don't even know if it knew it hit her, but it sure damaged "Angel" (that is the name my friend gave her cause she says the car saved her life) so after getting her fixed she has been pretty much good as new till this, but she is 10yrs old. To be truthful I really wasn't that crazy about certain things in the VW but it is a sturdy lil car and i'll probably keep it for the next 10 yrs. If I last that long???

Life is crazy sometimes, you just never know from day to day what is going to happen. I'm just so happy to have the car back, you never realize how much you depend on those wheels, until you don't have them at your disposal. I know one thing i'm going to continue to keep the oil changed and do all the little things to keep "Angel" running. Life is just much too difficult without a car!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Myka got a Birthday Present!

I was really surprised to get a small package from Gail this morning, She is the wonderful lady that created "the cuddlesac", these great blankets are so cool cause if you have a dog that likes to nestle into it's blankets, they can do it themselves with her cuddlesacs. I started buying them about 2 or 3 months after I got Myka and saw how she loved to get herself all wrapped up in any blanket she could find, Including the one on my bed, so everytime I would sit down i'd have to make sure she wasn't in the blanket or if you left a towel down she'd be wrapped up before you know it! So now that I have her cuddlys as we call them she knows these are hers and she will just stick her little nose into it and before you know it she is all wrapped up! I'm including a couple of pictures so you can see exactly what i'm talking about.
This is her in one of her first Cuddlesacs, I think she looks adorable!

Here are a couple more recent pictures of her. The purple is one of her newest!
This is the new little fleece jacket Gail made as a B-Day present for lil Princess Myka! I think she looks very cute! Of course i'm her Mom so I always think she is cute! hahaha